Drink it #drinkit

4 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I received tens of emails and messages in the morning of Friday, but all of them contained the link about the same news. It was that Japan is going to discharge 1 million tonnes of contaminated water from the crippled nuclear plant of Fukushima. I have been blogging about the Fukushima nuclear disaster since July 2011. The purpose was to spread the actual information in English to the world. This is why people around me sent me the news from all around the world, including my landlord. As Japanese, as one of the consumers of the electricity sold by Tepco, I sincerely apologize for all the radioactive material released over the past 9 years.

My warnings from 9 years ago are becoming more and more true. The Fukushima nuclear accident was the ocean version of Chernobyl. The second difference is it’s four reactors that blasted where Chernobyl had only one reactor exploded. Unfortunately Japan is liked by almost everyone unlike Soviet Union. This is why all the allies helped it conceal the facts. Also, some crucially damaged parts are used in American nuclear plants. American government had strong incentives to help Japan conceal the truth. PG&E, which caused the major wildfire in California, filed bankruptcy by taking a part of its responsibility. On the other hand in Japan, Tepco, which operated the Fukushima nuclear plant, is still standing with the protection of the government. After all, the nuclear industry is a military industry. Electricity is merely a byproduct. The actual purpose is to produce and store plutonium so it can manufacture the nuclear weapons in an emergency. A lot of criticisms occured when Japan interrupted all the nuclear plants after the accident that the fuel price would skyrocket. In reality, the fossil fuel price kept on dropping and now it’s less than half of 2011. It’s not about electricity.

Unlike Chernobyl, the Fukushima nuclear plant has not been fixed yet. Back in 2011, the government of Japan announced it will take 40 years to restore, but it’s still saying it will take 40 years to restore in 2020. Why does it take so long ? Because we have no technology to remove the molten nuclear fuel. Most likely it’s molten, scattered in pieces, and still burning. Therefore Tepco has to keep cooling it with water. This is what they are going to discharge to the Pacific Ocean. News says 1 million tonnes of contaminated water will be released to the sea, but this is the pact with the devil. This is something we mustn’t sign never. It’s not going to be 1 million. It won’t end. The problem is Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. It’s radioactive water, so it can never be filtered out.The half-life of Tritium is 12 years, so even Tritium initially made in 2011 still exists in the contaminated water added to the newly made Tritium every single second. Tepco kept on building the tanks within the plant area to store the water with the unintended and regular leakage, but they ran out of space to build the new tank anymore. This was the guaranteed future of 2011. Once the world let Tepco and the government of Japan release the contaminated water to the Pacific Ocean, the water that directly went through the nuclear fuel goes to the sea endlessly. This is not only the problem of the local fisheries. This affects the whole ocean including Philippines, S.Korea, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and The US and Canada. Because it’s water, it will form clouds and come as rain and storm as well.

The safety standard can always be bought by money. This time, Tepco and the government of Japan state they dilute it below the safety line. This is nonsense because the total amount doesn’t reduce. Media propaganda has already started. Hired trolls are attacking the concerned people across SNS and I got at least 400 trolls over the weekend. However no matter how they manipulate the safety regulation, there’s one weak point in their logic. It’s that they can’t prove that it’s safe by drinking it. If it’s safe for the environment, if it’s harmless in small quantities, they must be able to drink it. So far, none of the executives of Tepco or lawmakers have drunk it in front of the cameras. Urging them to drink it is entirely logical because they claim it’s safe. Why don’t they drink it then ? I’m personally using the hashtag #drinkit on my Twitter (https://twitter.com/Angama_Market) and facebook. The government of Japan says they are going to announce the conclusion at the end of October. Probably now is the last chance to avoid the pact with the devil. I will not believe it’s safe until the Prime Minister of Japan drinks it before the media cameras.




Written by Iori

Analyzing Covid-19 based on the open data. For tailored research or inquiry, email me at fukushimadiary.official@gmail.com

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